Fully Vaccinated Travelers

Travelers who have completed the recommended doses of
COVID-19 vaccination and arriving after 2 weeks of completion
of vaccination will be considered as fully vaccinated travelers.
Any vaccination type accepted by the country of origin is

On arrival PCR test
• Stay at a Certified Safe & Secure L1 hotel until the on-arrival
PCR test is performed (for 24-48 hours).
• Upon a negative On Arrival (Day One) PCR test report,
vaccinated travelers can leave the bio-bubble. The
respective L1 hotel doctor will issue a ‘’Discharge
Document’’ upon verifying the status of vaccination and
PCR test results.
• Children between 2-18 years not vaccinated are allowed to
leave the bubble with fully vaccinated parents upon a
negative on arrival PCR test.
• After leave the bio-bubble, travelers are not allowed to
come back into the Tourism bio-bubble (i.e. stay at ‘L1 Safe
and Secure Certified’ hotels not permitted upon leaving the
bubble). If you decide to leave the bio-bubble, it is strongly
recommended to use the ‘Safe and Secure Certified’ hotels
(non- L1) for the rest of your journey.

Conduct a PCR test on Day 7 after arriving in Sri Lanka
from a Ministry of Health approved, Sri Lanka Tourism
Registered Laboratory and submit the report to
helloagain@srilanka.travel. The respective Safe and Secure L1
hotel/Travel Agent is responsible to arrange and ensure the
travelers perform the 2nd PCR test and submit the results duly.